Teen maistelu 14.10.24
Teen maistelutilaisuus 14.10.24 klo 10.00
Teenmaistelutilaisuus teeasiantuntijan johdolla.
Tervetuloa The Hidden Teehuoneeseen, osoite Hatanpään valtatie 6 B, tutustumaan ja maistelemaan erilaisia teelaatuja pienen purtavan esim croissant kera. Tilaisuudessa erilaisten teevalmistustapojen esittely.
Teeasiantuntija Paul-Henrik Koivikko
"I have been drinking and studying fine teas for almost 5 years. My passion for tea started when I was visiting Japan and got to see tea culture there. Soon I discovered Chinese teas and since then I have been mostly focusing on them. I have studied the Chinese Gongfu style of tea brewing, which is the traditional Chinese way of brewing tea. That way of brewing provides the best experience when tasting different teas. "
Osallistumismaksu 30€ joka sisältää asiantuntijan suomenkielisen opastuksen sekä 3-4 eri laadun maistelun purtavan kera.